I am a freelance Oxfordshire illustrator and graphic designer. I work across a range of disciplines and markets, including books and magazines, advertising, packaging, merchandise and products, brochures, brands and websites. I am based on the border of Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire in the UK.
I have over fifteen years experience in the design and illustration industry and have worked for myself as a freelancer since 2011.
My work covers a range of sectors from charities and not-for-profit organisations to editorial and publishing businesses.
My clients include:
Oxford University, Adobe, OCVA, Oxford Hub, Thame Town Council, The Children’s Society, Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Design Museum, Penguin Random House, Classic FM, The Salters’ Institute,
3M Post It Notes, Save The Children, Oxford University Press, Period Box, WI Life Magazine, Bulletin Magazine, and The Ethical Property Company.
See my full portfolio here